Quality bovine hides and ovine skins from Norway, Denmark, and Sweden
Bilde: Joner
Scandinavian quality hides and skins
Our hides and skins originate from either Norwegian, Danish, or Swedish farms. In total, we sell approximately 500,000 cattle hides, and 1,000,000 sheep and lamb skins per year. Norilia Nordic handles 90% of all Norwegian hides and 80% of all Norwegian skins, and around 1/3 of the Danish cattle hides, as well as a significant number of Swedish hides. A large share of our hides and skins are of high quality, and Norilia Nordic can therefore offer a large volume of quality products. Hides and skins from the different countries are refined and sold separately.
Unique identification codes for each animal provide full traceability
In Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, all calves and lambs are given an individual identification code at birth. The code is registered in a public livestock register, and will follow the animal throughout its entire life, clearly visible on the animal's ear tag. At the abattoir, the code is read and transferred to a label that follows the hide through refinement to the customer. Norilia Nordic can therefore offer full traceability of hides from farm to tannery.
Did you know that all calves and lambs born in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden are given a unique identification code?
The code comprises a combination of the farmer's livestock-ID and an individual number that the farmer gives to each of his animals. The information is put on the animal's ear tag.
Our cattle hides
Norilia Nordic sells wet salted and fresh hides from bulls, heifers, and cows in all the relevant weight classes from Norway, Denmark, and Sweden.
Our sheep and lamb skins
Norilia Nordic sells sheep and lamb skins in three different wool lengths: shorn, short wool, and long wool. In addition, goat skins are offered in three different sizes.